Construction labourer - Toronto
Bkz Reno’s Inc. Toronto
Education- Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
1 to less than 7 months
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Green jobHelp - Green job - Help
Green job - Help
Green jobs contribute to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs.
This information was provided by the employer; it was not verified by Job Bank.
The employer stated that this position is a green job, because it involves tasks and responsibilities contributing to positive environmental outcomes and helping Canada achieve its net-zero target.
Tasks- Load, unload and transport construction materials
- Measure weight to prepare for rigging and hoisting
- Read blueprints to determine work requirements
- Clean and lubricate cranes
- Erect and dismantle concrete forms, scaffolding, ramps, catwalks shoring and barricades
- Instruct apprentices
- Mix, pour and spread materials such as concrete and asphalt
- Assemble tower cranes on site
- Help medical examiner in charge
- Assist in aligning pipes during pipeline construction
- Assist in drilling and blasting rock on construction sites
- Assist in framing houses, erecting walls and building roofs
- Operate offshore oil rig cranes to unload and reload supply vessels
- Level earth to fine grade specifications
- Operate cranes mounted on boats or barges to lift, move and place equipment and materials
- Pave and rake asphalt
- Assist in demolishing buildings
- Clean and pile salvaged materials
- Perform routine maintenance work
- Clean up chemical spills and other contaminants
- Remove rubble and other debris at construction sites
- Tend or feed machines or equipment used in construction
- Direct traffic at or near construction sites
Additional information
Work conditions and physical capabilities- Fast-paced environment
- Work under pressure
- Physically demanding
- Tight deadlines
- Manual dexterity
- Repetitive tasks
- Handling heavy loads
- Attention to detail
- Hand-eye co-ordination
- Overtime required
- Sound discrimination
- Sitting
- Accurate
- Client focus
- Dependability
- Efficient interpersonal skills
- Excellent oral communication
- Flexibility
- Reliability
- Team player
- Hardworking
Triumph Aluminum & Sheet Metal IncToronto
Work setting
• Relocation costs not covered by employer
• Load, unload and transport construction materials
• Erect and dismantle concrete forms, scaffolding, ramps, catwalks shoring and barricades
• Mix...
G.R. PoolsToronto
• No degree, certificate or diploma
1 year to less than 2 years
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Work setting
• Construction...
T P Crawford LimitedToronto
• Outdoors
• Assist in framing houses, erecting walls and building roofs
• Assist in demolishing buildings
• Remove rubble and other debris at construction sites
Certificates, licences...