Marketing project manager - Toronto
Washing Dynasty Toronto
Education- Bachelor's degree
3 years to less than 5 years
On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.
Green jobHelp - Green job - Help
Green job - Help
Green jobs contribute to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs.
This information was provided by the employer; it was not verified by Job Bank.
The employer stated that this position is a green job, because it involves tasks and responsibilities contributing to positive environmental outcomes and helping Canada achieve its net-zero target.
Asset languages- Mandarin
- Sales
- Information technology
- Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)
Tasks- Develop all kinds of events for publicity, fundraising and information purposes
- Develop communication strategies
- Maintain and manage digital database
- Plan and direct advertising and marketing campaigns
- Establish distribution networks for products and services
- Develop promotional materials
- Develop and implement marketing strategies
- Review written material, such as reports, briefs, speeches, presentations and press releases
- Oversee the preparation of written material for website content
- Evaluate the marketing strategies used by establishments
- Evaluate an organization’s Internet presence
- Direct the marketing strategies of establishments
- Direct the development and maintenance of an organization’s Internet and intranet sites
- Conduct economic or commercial surveys to identify potential markets for products or services
- Assist in product development
- Analyze market research data to improve business decisions or activities
- 1 to 2 people
Certificates, licences, memberships, and courses- Project Management Professional (PMP)
Experience and specialization
Computer and technology knowledge- MS Office
- MS Outlook
- Adobe Photoshop
- MS Excel
- MS PowerPoint
- MS Word
- Google Drive
- Keynote
- Shopify
- Electronic mail
- Presentation software
- Project management software
- Mapping and data visualization software
- Social Media
- Product development
- Marketing
- Project coordination
- Project management
- Communications
- Brand management
- Digital media
- Strategy
- Advertising
- Survey research services
- Public relations
- Media relations
- Market research
- Customs services
- E-commerce
- Business analysis
Additional information
Transportation/travel information- Own vehicle
- Valid driver's licence
- Public transportation is available
- Work under pressure
- Fast-paced environment
- Attention to detail
- Large caseload
- Computer
- Printer
- Internet access
- Cellular phone
- Efficient interpersonal skills
- Excellent oral communication
- Excellent written communication
- Flexibility
- Initiative
- Organized
- Team player
- Dependability
- Reliability
- Quick learner
- Interpersonal awareness
- Creativity
- Accountability
Other benefits- Free parking available
- Paid time off (volunteering or personal days)
- Team building opportunities
- Wellness program
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a difference in the lives of individuals, families and communities around the world. Job Description: This is a 12-months contract position. Reporting to the Marketing Manager, In Plan, the Marketing & Client Engagement Specialist is accountable for driving end...
afin d’améliorer les décisions ou les activités de l’entreprise
Fonctions et activités des superviseurs
• 1 à 2 personne(s)
Titres de compétences
Titres de compétence (certificats, permis, affiliations, cours, etc.)
• Project Management...
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